Your grade in the course will be based on your presentation. As discussed in class, you are each to select a paper from the 'suggested readings questions' section at the end of Chapters 3-7 and let me know what it is by September 22, 2004. Papers will be allotted on a first come, first served basis. You are responsible for providing me with a PDF format version of the paper that I will post for the rest of the class to access. You are then responsible for a 15 minute (MAXIMUM) critical presentation of the paper.
This will include not just summarizing the paper but also commenting on it critically as to strengths and weaknesses. You should also be prepared to answer questions and to get some discussion of the paper started since EVERYONE will have read each paper. The speaking assignments are posted above. Order of presentation on a given day will be determined by a card draw. If you can not present on the date assigned, find someone to switch with and let me know the details.
Given the number of presentations, please keep your to no more than 15 minutes and we will allow for 5 minutes of questions or comments. I will periodically post papers of interest or for specific presentations on my FTP site. To reach it, go to with your internet browser. Once there, you will find folders for downloads and uploads. I have tried this with Internet Explorer 6 and it works.
A Primer Of Ecological Genetics Pdf Download
Let me know if other browsers can get there and if you encounter problems. The files for the course are in the ecogen folder in the download folder.
You should be able to put files intended for me into the upload folder. If you do that, please confirm with an email.