Supporting The Love For Life Website, The Cristian Family and The Living Dream Of Kindom (Creation Of Do No Harm Communities) - The Love for Life website is produced for free without a fee (no contract or conditions attached) as a gift of love for the benefit of others. If you feel you have gained something from visiting it, feel inspired, and would like to reciprocate as an equal exchange in substance and support (value), you are most welcome to make a gift of love to keep it and the dream of Kindom going.
As always, we thank you for your gifts of love. We Stand For NO SYSTEM Kindom (Do No Harm Communities) is the dream for freedom, but it is the dream for the freedom of those around us who also live the dream of freedom, because it is in living for the freedom of others that we get our freedom. When we live for the dreams of Kindom of those around us, we live life as a gift because we live for (dedicate our lives to) their dream of freedom, truth, peace, joy, abundance, etc, just as they live for our Kindom dreams too. This is true co-creation (cooperation) with no attack on the uniqueness of each of us. When we live this way, we have no need for any man-made system - everything/everyone has already been taken care of by our love for life.
Just as we do not have to jump 10 feet across the room to grab our next breath, neither do we have to worry about food, water and shelter because it has all been taken care of as we each co-create Kindoms/Kin-Domains for everyone. Now everybody and everything of the dream of life that is Kindom/Paradise is free (has been set free once again). The issue is greed and selfishness, power and control trips, arrogance, ignorance, being fed many many lies and being traumatised. The issue is not overpopulation - there is more than enough land available for every family to have a hectare (2.5 acres Kin-Domain) to care for. The land of Australia can provide a Kin-Domain for every family across Earth, each with a food forest, clean fresh drinking water and plenty of space for building natural do no harm habitats and with plenty of land left over.
Everyone must have the freedom to take full-responsibility for their lives, for the water they drink, the food they eat and for their shelter. Currently, 'The System' forces everyone to give up taking full-responsibility so that we become grown up children accustomed to sucking on the nipples of 'The System' corporations for everything, having to use money to get by and to follow the rules of money because we are not co-creating freedom, peace, truth, joy and abundance for each other. Money only leads to haves and have nots and all the abuse, manipulation and distractions that we are subjected to as slaves to money. When we give up living for other's Kindom dreams, we start creating hell ('The System') all around us because we become self-centred - now it's all about 'my freedom','my money', 'my land', 'my belief', 'my saviour', 'mine', 'mine','mine', 'i','i', 'i', 'own', 'own', 'own', etc. To protect what we claim we own requires a man-made system with FORCE to protect those self-centred claims. This is ALL trauma based and all story-telling (brainwashing/braindirtying).
NO SYSTEM = KINDOM/DO NO HARM COMMUNITIES Our true freedom comes when we set our thoughts of freedom into motion so that we live freedom rather than just talking and thinking about it while we still slave for 'The System'. Kindom will not happen while we meditate for hours in the bush or do yoga retreats or wait for Jesus or follow the processes of the OPPT (One People's Public Trust now called One People). This is not freedom because we are not living freedom because we are living the story-telling of Jesus or Zeitgeist or The Secret or Thrive or One Earth/Consciousness/People. Living Kindom is very, very hard work as we set about repairing the damage to MAN/Earth/Nature that we are ALL responsible for but the burden becomes lighter the more of us put our life-energy into the dream of returning Earth to Paradise. Day-after-day, we all have to work our arses off until Kindom is all around us (MAN) once again. This is the price we pay to set each other free on a piece of land (Kin-Domain), so that no one is under the image-power (education/brainwashing/story-telling) of another MAN anymore and so that everyone can have their space of love to create and live their unique, do no harm dreams. This only happens once we have the Kindoms set up so that everyone is provided for.
Once we re-create the food forests, whether on land or in the suburbs, we can re-claim our freedom, breaking the strangle-hold of 'The System' because we are no longer reliant on its services and benefits and no longer turning each other into slaves of 'The System', cogs in the wheels of 'The System' machine. If we don't put the effort in to set everyone and everything free all around us then we still live in HELL ('The System'). The key is to live for everyone else's freedom so that we can have it too.
From Bare Dirt To Abundance A Year In The Life Of The Love For Life Food Forest Arthur & Fiona Cristian 8th February 2013 51 Minutes 46 Seconds From Bare Dirt To Abundance Part Two A 5th November 2014 From Bare Dirt To Abundance Part Two B Coming Shortly We live for NO SYSTEM. We do not lose anything by not having a man-made system and, in fact, we gain. We gain our freedom and we gain abundance. Let go of the fear. A Collection Of Various Love For Life Posts Providing The Big Picture We See Sequential Order We ask you to NOT believe anything we say/share and instead use scrutiny like an intense blow torch and go where the logic of truth/sense takes you. This is very, very important. Put everything you believe up to the test of scrutiny to see how it stacks up.
If you are true to your heart/senses and go where the logic of truth/sense takes you will find that NO belief, etc, will stand up to the test of scrutiny. They just do not stack up because they are lies/fraud. After you have watched and read all the material and any questions are left unanswered, send us your landline number and we will use the internet phone as a free unlimited call. We are on Sydney NSW Australia time.
Best times for us to chat are between 11.00am and 6.00pm. It is critical that you fully comprehend Image Power, 'Spelling', Trauma, Reaction To Trauma, Curses, Processing Curses, Full-Responsibility/Liability, Limited Liability/Responsibility (passing-the-back), Slavery, Senses/Sense vs Non-Sense/Senses, Re-Presenting Intellectual Property such as but not limited to 'Name', Storytelling/Storytellers, Duality, Black-Magic, Belief, Lies, 'i', All Seeing 'i' (eye), etc. These themes and others are covered over and over and over again. If you do not comprehend these insights and are unable to use your senses to sense your way through all the non-sense/non-sensory-images that enslave MAN under their image power (darkness = 'The System' = Hell), men and women will remain deeply trapped under a terrible state of trauma.
Our intention is to inspire you to remedy by showing you how to move away from reacting to trauma in all its nefarious and devious forms.
Meaning 'thumb'. Hence a historically valid Deed Poll is one sealed by a thumb print. Canon 1554 An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is primarily different from a standard Deed Poll in that a True Person evokes their Divine Rights conveyed on Robin-egg blue/sky blue/light blue paper and sealed by a thumbprint to a Roman Person who has sought to usurp or abrogate these rights such as the executive officials of a nation that administers the (Slave) Rolls, also known as Register from which the Cestui Que Vie Trust are born.
Canon 1555 An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is permitted to be i ssued when a man or woman seeks to be free of the Roman slavery system by serving national officials that control the registration process through departments known as Vital Statistics or Births, Deaths and Marriages. Canon 1556 Only a True Person may issue an E cclesiastical Deed P oll. By definition a man or woman acting in the capacity of being an inferior Roman Person has no authority to issue an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll. Canon 1557 An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll must always be on standard (legal/A4) sized robin-egg blue/sky blue/pastel colored paper, printed in serif (times roman/garamond) font, in recognition and respect of its status as a Divine Notice with the full authority of One Heaven.
Canon 1558 Prior to UCA E8:Y3210:A0:S1:M27:D6 also known as Wed, 21 Dec 2011 also known as the Day of Divine Judgment, a valid Ecclesiastical Deed Poll must always be sealed in the blood of the Trustee of the True Trust issuing it by using their thumbprint with the blood signature covered by clear plastic or tape from direct exposure. Thereafter this time, only ink is permitted as the medium for sealing. The reason for the blood seal prior to the Day of Divine Judgment is: (i) The root of all Weste rn law origi nates from the root of ancien t laws of civilization and law of ancient Sumeria, Assyria, Israelites, Celts, Greeks and Romans that recognized blood a s the most sacred seal of instruments in honor of the most ancient blood covenant with the Divine; and (ii) (ii) In accorda nce with the most sacre d covena nt Pactu m De Singu lari s Caelu m, all historic and ancient covenants o f the Divine are fulfilled. Therefore, the blood seal is a historic symbol of the conveyance o f law from those who are in dishonor to those who now represent the true living law; and (iii ) (iii ) The blood of the Trust ee of the True Trust and the conten t of the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll prove the fraud and error of the continued existence of any Cestui Que (Vie) Trust in assuming the body is 'dead'; and.
Ecclesiastical Deed Poll Pdf Readers
(iv) (iv) The infus ing of the blood of the Trust ee onto the paper breat hes life into the paper, creating an instrument superior in standing than even an inferior Roman Papal Bull. Therefore, if the docu ment is dishonored, then all documents ever issued by any society under Roman law must also by definition be null and void; and (v) (v) The use of blood in this manner perfe cts an unbrea kable seal of an unbreakable deed and contract. SECOND: We did annex hereto in full the sacred Treasury remittance of Our Live Borne Record and Certificate of Title from the Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven as proof of superior title against any other claimed title and record; and 3.
THIRD: We did pray and confess as an act of true contrition our genuine remorse and penance for any unresolved debts, liens or other financial encumbrances that previously prevented the lawful annulment of any records of events on your Roll(s) and Reg ister(s) associated with Us and Our ancestral bloodline of children, parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents, great grandparents and great great grandparents. As restitution, just as the Divine Creator has absolved Us and forgiven all our debts, We and Our immediate bloodline received Absolution and acceptance of Our payment in full through Our solemn remittance from the Treasury of One Heaven by Our sacred sacrifice and seal; and 4. Therefore, upon all debts and encumbrances concerning Us and our immediate bloodline being fully settled, with no possible legitimate claim or objection remaining, We demanded upon your fiduciary duties and oath of office that you did annul from the beginning any and all record of events and claims from your records against Us and all Our ancestral bloodline including but not limited to Our name, flesh, spirit; and 5. Furthermore, We demanded any and all temporary testamentary trust, cestui que vie and/or derivative thereof formed upon such mistaken entries into the public record were immediately dissolved, including a full account provided to Us within seven (7) days; and 6. Notice is given that all acts in commerce or law We en gage as surety of Our Trust Number 156-123456 and request all original records previously associated with your claims are returned to Us canceled and signed as evidence you have complied with your duties and oath of office; and 7. As We have given proper notice, you acknowledge that no further demands, debts or actions shall be issued against Us and any charges sent to Us by mistake will be duly returned to you for immediate discharge in accordance with the law. I nk Se al of wi tn es s 1 T hu mb pr in t in bl oo d I nk Se al of wi tn es s 2 1 s t W i t n e s s 2 n d W i t n e s s Thumb print in blood To: Secretary/Minist er of Health Care of: address and details of Ministerial Office Canon 1565 No date or time is permitted to be wr itten onto an E cclesiastical Deed Poll as it is issued from the Divine from the beginning.
Canon 1566 No signature on an Eccles iastical Deed P oll is permitted by the True Person as a signature is a sign of a Roman slave. Furthermore, the definition of 'poll' in the context of a 'deed poll means thumbprint. If a signature is included by the True Person by mistake, it shall have no material effect. Canon 1567 No registration sticker or mark is permitted to be past ed onto the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll as proof of delivery is sufficient for the Deed to be validly executed.